英语译站:“倒胃口”用英语怎么说? “倒胃口”,中文习语,本意指“因为腻味而不想再吃(spoil one’s appetite,cause one to become nauseated)”,现在多比喻对某人某事兴味索然,产生反感...
The authorities plan to come down hard on truancy in future. 当局计划将来严惩逃学者。 3. steal sb's thunder △克莱尔不希望歌洛莉亚到学校帮忙布置舞会现场,但歌洛莉亚还是去了,...
up his ass early in the season when I said 赛季刚开始我和他说 he can be the best point guard in our league 他可以成为第一控卫 and also be an MVP of our league 可以成为MVP You know when every night I get an opportunity to see him ...
A) They'd question the teachers. C) They'd tell the kids to calm down. B) They'd charge up to the school. D) They'd put the blame on their kids. 8. Professor White believes that the notions of a more child-centred society should be ___. 9. Accordin...
上升动词类: increase, go up, rise up, grow up, jump up, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency 下降动词类: decrease, go down, decline, fall down, drop, sink, dip, keep a downward tendency 波动动词类: fluctuate 持平动词类: remain the same, stabili...